
Lincoln Investment Disclosures

Cash Sweep Disclosures

Cash Sweep Information

Investment Advisory Disclosure Brochures

Thank you for opening an account with Lincoln Investment Planning, LLC (Lincoln Investment). If you have consented to the Electronic Delivery of Regulatory Documents, the links to the Important Investor Disclosure Documents below provide you the opportunity to view, download, and print the documents for your permanent records. Please review the documents and direct any questions to your Financial Professional.

To request paper copies of these documents, please send an email to: service@lincolninvestment.com or mail a letter to: The Lincoln Investment Companies, 601 Office Center Drive, Suite 300, Fort Washington, PA 19034, Attn: Electronic Delivery; or call in your request at 800-242-1421, extension 4770. You may also request copies of these documents from your Financial Professional.

If you have not consented to the Electronic Delivery of Regulatory Documents, your Financial Professional will provide the pertinent disclosures in hard copy from the list below.

Important Investor Disclosure Documents

Form ADV Part 2A and Appendix 1 (Investment Advisory Disclosure Brochures):